Hi, my name is Ashok Manjhu
I'm the Full Stack Developer.

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My name is Ashok Manjhu and I am a full-stack developer with expertise in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). I am also well-versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and have a strong passion for creating dynamic and engaging web applications. I have a consistent track record of delivering high-quality work and I am always eager to learn new technologies and skills. I have experience in developing web application using MERN stack and also have a good knowledge of front-end technologies.

I am always looking for new opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge and I would love to hear from you if you have any openings or projects that you think would be a good fit for me.

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Meetup App

With this app, users can add new meetup places, view existing meetup places, and RSVP to events. The app features a clean and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need.

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Live Streaming Website

With this app, users can watch live cricket networks.In this I use React Js and Matarial UI for Styling.It is only for learning Purpose not for comercial use.

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Disney Plus Hotstar Clone

Disney Plus Hotstar Clone With React,Styled Comonents,pure Css * Firebase Authentication(Google Outh) * Firestore Database * Fetching data from Firebase api * Redux State Managemant * React Hooks,Slick Caresoul and many more.

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Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone with React.js * Rapid Api * Material UI * Understalnding core concepets of Api *react functional components * react reusable componets and many more

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SmartBrain Face Recognition App

This app can read faces in your pictures.It made with react.js ,tachyons etc. in frontend and in backend i use node.js ,express.js and in database i use postgresql and connect with server with knex.and for face recognition i use clarifai api .and for hosting i use heroku ,github and netlify.

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Dice Roll Pig Game

Dice roll pig game is a javascript based game in this i implement javascript logics like functions , conditions,decision making ,manupulating DOM elements. It gives a great understalnding of DOM manupulation.

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Guess My Number

Its is also Based on Dom manupulation.It gives a solid understalnding of manupulating html elements and classes. It comes with old game UI which i like most.So in this game we guessing a Number and checking in it and it gives feedback on our choice.

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RoboFriends React App

Robofriends app made with react and i make this app in my learning phase and in this app i implement my all react basics like how to implement search logic,integrate with api ,props,function,state,and many more things i learn from it.

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Movie Website

It is a purely made with html and css no js use in it so is very important for me to learn the basics of html and css. in this i provide a neet and clean dark ui for downloading movies .surely it not break the rules and don't do piracy.It is a only part of education.

Version 1 Version 2


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